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Elegant and discreet wireless control unit for recliners. The unit holder is designed to be integrated into the furniture, securing the unit with a magnet. This ensures freedom of design for your furniture.

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LINAK actuator system for recliners. When comfort is your bottom line.


Recliner systems with battery and favourite positions


The Control Unit BP10 product series is designed for the control of recliner chairs with the LA10 system. The Control Unit BP10 is a small hand-held control, which can optionally be placed in a bracket in the recliner chair and used as a panel. The control unit is available in three different versions - BP11, BP12 and BP13 - controlling 1, 2 or 3 channels, respectively.

The control unit BP10 product series combines ergonomic design and functionality into a user-friendly control with intuitive buttons.

LA10 system data sheet

View the data sheet as an online magazine or download the PDF.

BP10 data sheet

View the data sheet as an online magazine or download the PDF.

LA10 system user manual

This user manual will explain how to pair, set up and use the LA10 system for recliners.

BP10 user manual

This user manual will tell you how to install, use and maintain your LINAK electronics.

Actuator systems for recliners

Explore our reliable actuator systems for adjustable recliners with a wireless control unit. We conducted research to make sure that this system takes the entire value chain into consideration.

HOMELINE product overview

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Recliner - How do I assemble the LA10 system for recliners without a battery?

Learn how to assemble the LA10 actuator system for recliners without a battery.

The system in the video consist of the following:

  • Single actuator LA10
  • Mounting bracket MB001 (mounting this is described in Mounting the control unit for LA10)
  • Charging point CP002
  • Connection cable
  • Safety release cable
  • Power cable
  • SMPS006
  • Charging cable
  1. Plug the Bluetooth® dongle into the LA10 actuator - you know it is in place when you hear a click.
  2. Connect the two LA10 actuator with the connection cable.
  3. Connect the Charging Point to the actuator LA10 using the remaining free slot.
  4. Connect the power cable to the power supply SMPS006.
  5. Plug the charging cable into the SMPS006 and connect the safety release cable..
  6. Connect the safety release cable to the charging point.
  7. You now have an assembled system for recliners

For more information about the LINAK® Recliner system, please visit the recliner application page.

Recliner - How do I buy a new remote control for my recliner with a LINAK system?

Contact the place you purchased your recliner. LINAK® does not sell the controls directly to consumers.

Recliner - How do I know if my recliner has a LINAK system?

Learn how to see if your recliner has a LINAK® system.

You can usually see if a system is produced by LINAK by looking at the SMPS or under the batteries in the hand control.

Recliner - How do I mount the BP10 in a recliner?

Learn how to mount the different versions of the hand control BP10 and the matching mounting bracket in a recliner with LINAK® systems.

To mount the Control unit you will need:

  • Mounting bracket MB001
  • One of the BP10 controls. This video shows the BP12.
  • A screw driver
  • Four screws. Countersunk 45°, flat head, max. ø3.5 mm.
  1. Place the bracket in the recliner where you want it to go. Use the screws to mount it firmly.
  2. Place the metal plate in the bracket and click the top part in place on top of the metal plate. You will hear a click when it is in place.
  3. Place the control unit in the bracket.

For more information about the LINAK Recliner system, please visit the recliner application page.

Recliner - How do I mount the Charging Point in a recliner?

Learn how to mount the charging point CP002 and CP003 in a recliner with LINAK® systems.

  1. To mount the CP002 and CP003, you will need to drill a hole into the surface where you want to use it. For CP002, drill a 24-mm hole and for the CP003 drill a 30-mm hole.
  2. From the back, push the ring over the charging point until it is fastened tight to the fabric. You will hear a click.
  3. The inner ring of the Charging Point will light up when connected to power to indicate the charging.

For more information about the LINAK Recliner system, please visit the recliner application page.

Recliner - How do I pair the BP10 control with a recliner?

Learn how to pair the BP10 control to a recliner with a LINAK® system.

  1. (Re)connect the system to power.
  2. Press the two top buttons of the control unit at the same time.
  3. Your control is now paired to the system and is ready for use.

For more information about the LINAK recliner system, please visit the recliner application page.

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